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Luton Borough Council

Money problems?

Get in touch, don't get into trouble.

Claim what’s yours

If you’re having problems paying the bills and managing the rising cost of living, help may be at hand. Every year, millions of pounds of benefits lie unclaimed while people are struggling to get by. But it isn’t always easy working out whether you are entitled to claim benefits.

Some benefits, known as means-tested, are paid only if you have limited income and capital. This is because there is an investigation into your means to see if you are entitled to benefits such as Income Support, Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance, Guarantee Credit of Pension Credit, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit and Child and/or Working Tax Credit.

Non-means tested benefits do not involve a detailed investigation of your means. You qualify if you meet basic conditions such as being available for work, disabled or bereaved.

For more information about how to claim Council Tax and Housing Benefit, call the our Customer Service Centre on 01582 510342.

For information on other benefits, call the Department of Work and Pensions on 01582 744000.

Independent advice on debt

For free, independent, impartial and confidential advice on how to manage your money and any debts, call:

  • CLS Direct on 0845 345 4345
  • Luton Rights on 01582 453372
  • Luton Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB)* on 01582 544776 or 731616
  • Luton Law Centre on 01582 481000
  • National Debtline on 0808 808 4000
  • Pay Plan on 0800 917 7823
  • Consumer Credit Counselling Service on 0800 138 1111

Note:  there is currently a high demand for these services so please seek advice if you need it as soon as possible. 

* The CAB has a waiting list for new referrals but offers an information pack on dealing with creditors.

© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ